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Vinyl Snob
Episode 14

HiFi Stereo Store

A good stereo store is hard to find these days, but in Dave Whitaker's interview with Chris Larsen at Northcoast Audio in Eureka, CA., you'll see why it's worth it to seek out your nearest brick and mortar store. In Vinyl News we have a double whammy of not-so-great news for the vinyl industry. Dave catches up with Steve Sheldon of the recently closed Rainbo Records pressing plant and gets more information on the impact of the Apollo Masters fire from Ron McMaster, long-time mastering engineer at Capitol Records. And in our indie record store segment, we visit Ian Clark at Record City in Brooklyn, NY.

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Dave and Steve Sheldon
Ian Clark at Record City
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Northcoast Audio - HiFi Audio & Home Theater, Eureka, CA
Rainbo Records - legendary pressing plant
Apollo Masters - Master Audiodiscs
Record City - Brooklyn indie record store
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